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- 8027 Farm Road 114
- Clarksville, TX 75426
- 903-272-9283
GPS Coordinates
33° 37.4025' N
94° 53.5178' W
El. 443 ft
| |
2012 Plainsman
Sponsored by Bent Barrel Betty,
Clueless Bob,
and Kow Katcher
New this year will be a 4-stage Plainsman event on
Thursday morning, Nov. 1st. The event requires two .36 caliber or larger
Traditional style percussion revolvers, shot Duelist style.
Requirements include:
- Must use a SASS legal, single-shot rifle
firing a traditional blackpowder rifle or pistol caliber cartridge (e.g.,
not a .30-30). The rifle may have spring actuated ejectors if they are
standard for that rifle.
- Modern Category - Rifle has spring
ejectors working
- Traditional Category - Rifle had no
spring ejectors or ejectors have been disabled.
- Must use a side by side, with or without
exposed hammers, or lever action shotgun.
- Must use blackpowder in all loads (rifle,
pistol, and shotgun).
It is MANDATORY that all Plainsman Match
participants attend the entire safety meeting prior to shooting this
match. You will receive a preprinted score card at the START of the safety
Shooters that do not have their score card
not be allowed to shoot the Plainsman Match.
Updated 10/29/12
Posse #1: |
Big Iron Buster |
Brazos Belle |
Brazos Law Dawg |
Clueless Bob |
Cowtown Scout |
Crooked Bullet |
Denton Dancer |
Doc Brazos |
Edward R.S. Canby |
Fannie Kicker |
Fingers McGee |
Goody |
Griff |
Honey B. Graceful |
Quigley Sharps |
Posse #2: |
Lazarus Longshot |
Little Doc |
Manassas Jack |
Mean Michelle |
More Or Les |
Ol #4 |
Pablos Gringa |
Pinewood Kid |
Rocky Meadows |
Six |
Slowaz Molasses |
Tennessee Tall |
The Brisco Kid |
Two Gun Johnnie |
Yusta B |
Early shoot: |
Iron Maiden |
T-Bone Dooley |
Rooster Sackett |
Kow Katcher |
Titus A. Gnatsass |
Bent Barrel Betty |
| |
Guns, Ammo, Accessories, etc.
and now PAWN!
Cowboy Guns
T-Bone Dooley, Owner
125 N.E. Front Street
New Boston, TX 75570
Shop: 903-314-8164
Cell: 903-272-9283
Like us on
and see the
Deal of the Day!
Store Hours:
9 to 5:30 M-F
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