GPS Coordinates General Information:
Bowie County Concealed Carry The Badlands Bar 3 Range offers Texas Concealed Handgun License (CHL) classes. All classes will be taught by a DPS-certified instructor. Note: Texas will require a digital fingerprint after March 1, 2011. More details will be provided if you register for a new Texas CHL. A new Texas CHL permit requires completion of a 4 to 6-hour training course, qualifying with a handgun (revolver or semi-automatic) at the range and passing a 50 question test. You need a basic knowledge of your handgun to qualify, shooting center of mass a total of 50 rounds from 9 feet, 21 feet, and 45 feet. Texas CHLs are recognized by 41 other states (30 reciprocal and 11 unilateral). Visit the state web site at www.txdps.state.tx.us for additional details. CHL Class-
$65.00 For more information, contact:
and now PAWN! T-Bone Dooley, Owner 125 N.E. Front Street Shop: 903-314-8164 Cell: 903-272-9283 Store Hours:
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